Dr. Deary Vaughn Council of Deliberation
Orient of the Middle East
United Supreme Council, PHA, SJ

S.G.I.G. Albert Mallet
Deputy for the Orient of the Middle East


History of the Orient of the Middle East: “The Complete Story”

In June 2005, at the Grand Lodge Conference for Oklahoma, the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Deary Vaughn, met with DDGM Mathew L. Smith and informed him that he was in desirous of putting an Orient in the Middle East. With DDGM Smith’s concurrence, he would be the first Deputy of the Orient (ME).

Grand Master Vaughn, who is also the Sovereign Grand Commander, United Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction (AASR), asked that GIG Mathew L. Smith be in attendance at the annual meeting to be held in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, October 2005, and that he would make the
announcement establishing an Orient in the Middle East. Dispensation was approved by the Charters and Dispensation Committee (USC, AASR, and SJ).

As of this year, 2009, there have been 15 Grand Inspector General selected from the Middle East with many more to come. It is with pleasure that they serve the different Valley’s in the 6 different countries that comprise the Orient of the Middle East. I welcome you to this website and any comments that you make will be noted.

Prepared by SGIG Mathew L. Smith, Past Ill, Deputy of the Orient, CODME (Advisor)